Cooking and Drinking
Cooking and Drinking
​Utilizing the monkey see monkey do approach
Cooking and Drinking
Cooking and Drinking
Cooking and Drinking
Cooking and Drinking

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When needing to thicken, use one of these.
(pronounced RU)
Half butter, half flour
In the simplest terms possible, a roux is a mixture of equal parts flour and fat, cooked together over low to medium heat, to create a uniform thickening for a mac & cheese dinner. I used 1/2 cup of flour 1/2 cup butter
What is a Slurry?
A slurry is generally made with liquid (often water or broth) mixed with either cornstarch or flour and added to a hot liquid to thicken it
Because a slurry is a concentrated starchy liquid it will thicken sauces and gravy. It can be mixed into apple juice to make a quick apple pie filling, or added to pan drippings or broth from cooked meat for a flavorful sauce or gravy.
White Sauce or Bechamel Sauce
This used to be one of the first lessons in home economics classes; invariably white and pasty, it coated many a bland dish. When well made, however, it has a proper place in homey, creamed dishes, often making leftovers stretch or giving cooked foods new life. And it is important as a base for soufflés. The French term for this medium-thick white sauce is béchamel. The foolproof way to attain a perfectly smooth sauce is to have the milk hot when added to the butter and flour. It uses an extra pot, but as you become more proficient, this cautionary measure may not be necessary.
Dictionary and other notes​
​a sautéed mixture of diced vegetables (such as carrots, celery, and onions), herbs, and sometimes ham or bacon used especially as a basis for soups, stews, and sauces
​When cooking any pasta, stay with it, constantly monitor shut heat off around 90% cooked residual. Heat will finish cooking it. Nothing worse than mushy pasta.
Mise en (meez-on) place - is a French culinary phrase which means "putting in place" or "gather".
During the cooking process constantly test for spices. Watch several YouTube's on damage control for people that over salted or over spiced their dish. A lot of work to make corrections. I hate throwing food out. Take your time layer the flavors slowly.
Master list of herbs and spices.
Pinch of Yum: Great site of minus with instruction and videos.
How to make a ringtone using garage band app on your iPhone. Will need to download a song from YouTube then download that song to your iPhone so it's available for editing
​ another good website for videos cooking instruction
WIX tutorial Website building. (a youtube video)
I upgraded to pro on Jan 18th 2022 for 2 years $250.00 (50% off) 50 Gb of space. WIX adds removed.
No domain name though they wanted more money for that. i add 2 more years too 2026 now.