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Francis Paul Kelsey
June 10th 1933 - March 2nd 2000
Old Paper

Frank was born in the house at 176 Crystal Ave South Buffalo, NY.

John Kelsey's middle name was Frank (Frances). That's probably where my father got him name.

Frank also had an uncle also named "Frank" Frank W. Kelsey. The Kelsey's seemed to like recycling names. 

Old Paper

Frank was 5' 10" tall
and married Shirley January 7, 1954 at a justice of the peace in West Seneca While on leave from the Army.
The second wedding was a Catholic wedding 1956 (details listed down the page for church wedding)

I think they lived that this house the longest, about 10 years here. I don't have any information that says John Kelsey ever owned a house always seem to be in a rental.

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176 Crystal Ave South Buffalo, NY
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Eileen, Frederick. A.K.A., Patrick and my father, Frank.


 C 1941 Making

Pat 28

Eileen 16

Frank about 8 years old.


Richard, Elizabeth and my father Frank 1942

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Top row: 
Pat, Dan, Frank, Lillian (Kelsey) Ferguson, Eileen, Last 3 people???

Bottom row:
Marie (Kelsey) Marong, John Kelsey, Elizabeth Kelsey, Dick and wife Dolores M. (Shea) Kelsey, the next 2 people??, and Joe last.

Photo date May 11th 1946

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1950 Census


John is 62

Elizabeth is 62

Eugene 25

Frank is 16

They are living in Tifft St.

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Top photo: Back of photo says me and some buddies.

Frank is a private in photo to the right, so the date must be around the early part of 1954 as he made corporal in October 1954.


Frank 1953 20 years old
Basic training Fort Dix, NJ
His enlistment date was June 8, 1953

Old Paper

I may have found the connection between Shirley and the Kelsey family. My old notes say mom know John Ferguson from middle school. (about 1940) John Ferguson's father was Harold Ferguson. Harold Ferguson married Lillian, Frank's sister.


Frank working his magic on Shirley - December 1954

Frank with parents. 1954?

Old Paper
Frank's Military Service

One Interesting note: Before Frank went into the Army he held a job with the New York Central RR. A place where his father John retired from. I also know some of Franks other brothers held jobs there also. See a list of Kelsey  WHO WORKED FOR THE RAIL ROAD 


Frank his two honorable discharges according to the VA paperwork. The one I have is from November 14, 1954. This date corresponds with his first DD 214 discharge. But I do not have a second honorable discharge from when he re-enlistd; Also, the second time he went in was only for six months and about 15 days. Who re-enlistes for only six months of service.

The second time he got out of the service it was early because he requested a hardship discharge. He probably got out using Carol's blindness as an excuse to go home and help his new wife with a blind child.

Frank served as a "Mess Steward" (MOS 1824) for the 4th Infantry Division 4th MP Company Frankfort, Germany.


NOTE the Korean War ended in July 1953 (Frank was in one month before the war officially ended)


Carol was born    Oct 31st 1952


1) Frank enlisted   June 8th 1953 (Buffalo) as a "Mess Steward"


2) Frank got out    November 14th 1954  (Frankfurt, Germany) 


Frank reenlisted the next day, November 15th 1954, while still in Germany. 


There is a photo of him and Shirley Dec. 1954 and they got Married  Jan 7th 1955 by a JP.



I assume, after signing his reenlistment papers, he took a month leave and went home to Buffalo. Supposedly, Frank and Shirley knew each other prior.He knew Shirley from school or somewhere, she says,  but it sounds as though they hooked up again while on leave, they ran off and got married through the justice of the peace in West Seneca. The church wedding was right near his home on South Part Ave. He married Shirley January 7th 1955


(Carol would be 2 years and 4 months old when they got married)




Old Paper

First Marriage.

Frank and Shirley were married while Frank is on a one month leave from the Army. 
January 7th 1955

Frank was 22
Shirley was 25

Frank and Shirley on their wedding day Jan. 7th 1955

The only photo of wedding I know of or have. I wonder if it was before the JP wedding as Frank is not wearing a wedding ring.

I remember my father telling me that when he came back to the house and announced to his father, who was sitting in the chair reading the paper, he was back from getting married to Shirley. His father John flipped down the paper and said "That's nice" and went back to reading his paper. One can get the scene that the father was not thrilled about the union.

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This is a Certified Copy dated 1995. Frank must have needed it for some reason.

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Second Marriage November 6th 1956

Frank and Shirley's Church wedding/ marriage. Frank was out of the service at this point and their son Robert already 7 months old. (Remember this is the 2nd marriage. 1st one was a JP wedding)
This Church is right next to Columbus where they were living.

105 Columbus St., Buffalo, NY. Frank and Shirley lived here the year that they got married at the church on the corner.

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Old Paper

Frank with Shirley, Carol and Robert. Circa 1956

Old Paper

I was told after Frank got out of the service (1955) he and Shirley lived with his parents, John and Elizabeth for several weeks. That was probably on 105 Columbus Avenue. Then, I think, John and Elizabeth moved out to Trowbridge.
It's funny that I did not find any censes reports which show Frank and Shirley living on Spaulding in the 60s or Aldrich during the 70s.

The 1957 City directory

Eugene w/ wife June
Frank w/ wife Shirley
Fredrick w/ wife Lucy
James w/ wife Eleanor
Paulette C. Joe's wife (Joe died 1955)


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Hayward St AKA The Perry Projects. 1960


Bill for my (David's) birth

Old Paper

This is a work in progress 
I need to talk to the family more about this.

Robert was born in 1956   -    The city directory lists Frank and Shirley living at 105 Columbus St in 1957. (Is that right? Who knows) Robert said he was born at OLV in Lockawanna.

I was born 1959    -    I have a photo of my first birthday (1960) mom wrote in the back "23 Hayward St." Hayward is the street next to Perry St or AKA the Perry Projects. Ergo my first home was the project and maybe Roberts too. But back then I don't think we lived anywhere for 3 years. I'll have to ask Carol what she remembers. Being older maybe she can shed some light on this subject.

Then.... We find ourselves in a town called Markham, NY. This is where Tommy was born August 1962 the Markham General Hospital. Tommy was told we moved out of Markham in November of 1963.

Then...... We find ourselves back in Buffalo at 77 Spaulding St. in 1963. We must have moved from Markham in Nov. 63 as Mary was born in Jan. 1964. So... mom was pregnant during the move. We lived there until 1966. 

I have a photo in me and on the back it says "We moved into 46 Aldrich in Oct. 1966.

Old Paper

77 Spaulding St Nov. 1963 to Oct. 1966

In this photo Tom looks about  2 or 3 and me about 5 so the year is about 1964.

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46 Aldrich Place Buffalo, NY
Oct. 1966 to 1973

NOTE: back then there was an upper porch and a door, of course. 
1973 we moved to Stockton. Frank commuted back and forth to Buffalo every day for work. A 60 mile trip each way. Robert started at CVCS as a senior and me in 8th grade.

If I recall correctly, one of the reasons we moved out to Stockton was because rent on Aldrich was going from $80 a month to $100 a month and that was apparently too much.

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Old Paper

Frank holding Mary Born 1964, Hand on David Born 1959, Robert in back Born 1956 and Tom with bottle Born 1962. Aldrich Pl. Buffalo, NY  (Photo on Spaulding St, Buffalo, NY)

Photo circa 1964 (Fall of 64?)

Mary and Frank.jpg

Frank holding daughter Mary
Circa 1964/ 65   Spaulding St.


Tommy was told we moved out of Markham in November 1963. Robert should have been in school in September. He must have been pulled out of school and started 1 or 2 grade at PS 28.

I remember Frank telling me that mom was coming home from the hospital with a new baby sister. So we all ready moved in before January 1964.  77 Spaulding St. Upper, from 1963 to 1966 (7 of us) I started kindergarten in 1964/ 65 school year.

From 77 Spaulding St. we moved to 46 Aldridge Pl. Oct. 1966 to the summer of 1973. (photos of me in school #29 school play)

We moved to Stockton, NY in the summer of 1973. I started 8 grade in Stockton. (CVCS) We Must have started CVCS Sept of 74.

As I was growing up in the 60's and 70's, I remember dad singing "O Danny Boy" It was in remembrance of his beloved brother Danny O. who died in 1958.  He said everyone loved Danny.  Danny died 1 month before his 40 birthday 

I don't have any photos of us living in Markham. ??

1962 through 1963 or thereabouts.

Old Paper

I can only imagine this was one of my fathers proudest moments.

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Frank March 1 1973.jpg

I remember Frank working at Bethlehem Steel just before he started training for the Buffalo Police Department. 


Frank became a Buffalo Policeman in 1967 so he must have retired in 1987.

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The PS #29 Robert in 8th grade 1968/ 69 school year.

Robert as Crossing.
This photo is not necessarily an old photo but it will always remind me of our Aldrich days.  


ABOUT 1970


Add something here about us buying Stockton 7 acres paid $1,500.00 what year did we buy,  1970? From the audio tapes, Gary gave us, Frank really enjoyed being in Stockton. He even went there a few times by himself. He talked about buying some chickens and some pigs during the summer months when Shirley and kids were going to stay there and he would stay in Buffalo. He would only come out on his long weekends.

Old Paper

A rare photograph of Frank and Shirley together dressed up. Frank's son Roberts wedding, 1977.

Top row:
Mary J., Carol L. Roberts wife Diane (Neffky) Robert W., David A. Thomas J.

Front row:
Shirley P. (Fay) and Frank Paul Kelsey

Oct 1977.jpg

Frank relaxing in Stockton.
Circa 1975/ 76 (about age 42/43 years old)

Old Paper

Remembrances, odds and ends

I remember dad doing much of the cooking at our house, was my mother just that inapt in the kitchen? I found an old note that said his father John liked to cook.

I would be interested to know how many of the Kelsey men cooked at home. I started a page called "Frank's Place" on this site. It's a growing list of things dad used to make or snacks he liked.


Frank used to call me "droopy drawers" because I was so skinny my pants looked like they were falling off me. And... that was because I usually got my older brother Roberts hand-me-down pants which were too big.

Frank, from Time to Time, being as funny as he was would randomly say German words he knew. This auto clip is from 1971-ish out in Stockton while camping in the 12 x 12.

I put up a page with some of Franks meals and snack See "Franks Place"

A pet name for any of us boys if Frank was in a mood he'd call us "Sport".
Such as: Watch what you're doing sport.

These albums are just a sample of the music we would here Frank sing to as we grew up.


125 Cordillo Pkwy 3
00:00 / 00:13

Things to look up:

dad used to say his parents or some member of his family used to live on the far side of Aldrich Place. Who was that?


One of the things I remember about my father was that he liked to cook. Could it be that my mother was inept in the kitchen, Probably, but nevertheless, I remember my father behind the stove quite a bit. He would sample the food to include taking a taste of what I remember as raw hamburger, which is a No-no.

I found a note from 20 years ago when I was doing genealogy work with some of the Kelsey's who live in Ohio. One of them told me that they knew grandpa John Kelsey used to enjoy cooking. So it runs in the family :-)

I found one of our family favorites and that was Slumgullion

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Frank holding my daughter Melissa 1983   Frank was 50 here.

frank Eileen Kelsey carr and don carr 2.jpg

Frank, possibly Richard's wife Dolores Kelsey, Eileen (Kelsey) and Don Carr.
Mid- 80's

** Frank loved his turquoise ring as seen in the photo; he probably bought it at one of his casino stops

Old Paper

After Frank and Shirley separated around 1981. He then moved to a Kenmore apartment:


Address 3015 Delaware Ave Apt 422

Buffalo, NY 14217-2348

I think after that he moved to Silver Creek and it's in Silver Creek where he passed away. It was March 2nd 2000 (age 67) in Brooks Hospital.

Old Paper

I think this is the only correspondence I have between Frederick AKA Pat and my father. Frederick died December 23rd 1999 and my father died March 2, 2000. sad.

I can only remember Frank saying he talked to Eileen on any regular basis. Here and there I guess he would talk to Richard but those are the only two people I ever remember him saying he talk to on the phone. 

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Frank passed March 2nd 2000 from a disease process called supranuclear palsy

It is so rare it only affects about 4,000 people per year

Old Paper

I have been amazed on how many misspellings there are on census forms and other important documents. 

Notice how Evelyn's last name is spelt. "Schroeder" It is Schrader. How can they get it so wrong on a Birth Certificate; and why was it never changed?
It is basically a family mystery on why Evelyn, my mother's mother traveled from West Seneca, all the way to Cleveland to have my mother. Nobody seems to be able to give what I think is a satisfactory answer. Mostly they say that it could've been a tumultuous time between my two grandparents, Evelyn and Claude and she wanted to have the baby away. Evelyn had a sister living in Cleveland and that's where she had the baby actually in the house rather apartment not in a hospital but that's probably what happened in the 1920s

Old Paper
​Frankie the caboose
​Is a nickname his father gave him
Old Paper
Our names

       Where our name came from as per mom's recollection 2005:


Carol Lynn- Shirley's mother (Evelyn) had a girlfriend living in Hamburg, NY. One of her children was named Carol. (mom babysat their two kids Carol and David Pierce. Both Carol and David got our named from this family) 

Lynn- mom just liked how it sounded with Carol 


Robert William 

Robert- mom (Shirley) babysat a family whose one boy was named Robert. (Robert Hassee) 

William- From her father (Claude William Fay). 


David Allen 

David-  Shirley's Mother (Evelyn) girlfriend oldest son was David (mom babysat their two kids  Carol and David Pierce) 

Allen- mom's school friend Alowishus Huber how ask her to marry her a few time. He was called Allen short for Alowishus. 


Thomas John 

Tom - Mom met Tom Leonard in 5 grade at 9 or 10 years old. A sweetheart all through 4 years of grammar school. 

John- Franks father John Kelsey 


Mary Joann 

Mary - Mom wanted to name her Joann. (a girl she babysat Joann Hassee) She did not have a middle name picked out. Frank wanting to name one of the kids and said how about Joann Mary. After thinking about it, Frank said how about Mary Joann.  (Frank came up with the name Mary but did not say where the name Mary came from) 

 Our names came from two families, Mary and Robert's name came from the Hassee family and David and Carol came from the Pierce family who lived in Hamburg, NY

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