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Old Paper
Documents & Lists
Old Paper

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This post card is from the late 30's or early 40's. The German town of  Danzig is where August Kolodzaike was born. (my Great Grandpa) So it says on his Death Certificate, but I've also seen Census reports say he was born in Berlin along with a marriage license (which I have not seen but says he was married in Berlin). 

Old Paper
Places lived


A list of places John and Elizabeth lived while in Buffalo:


In 1927 they were living in Toledo


1)   195 Sheffield Ave        (1928/ 29 Phonebook)

2)   130 Mariemont Ave (1930 Census) (Moved out before 1932)

3)   176 Crystal Ave           (1932 city direct. plus 1940 Census) My father was born on Crystal Ave in 1933

4)   1175 Union Rd             (Johns Draft Card issued 1942) 1175 Union Rd is now a KFC

5)   803 Tifft St                  (1950 Census) (They mover here Oct. 20th 1943 as written on John's draft card)

6)   105 Columbus Ave     (1953 phonebook)

7)   163 Trowbridge St     (John died while here as per his Death Certificate 1957) (In Mercy Hospital) 

8)   68 Hayward Apt. #6  (After John's death, I see Elizabeth living at this address until her passing in 1964)  

John and families first house after arriving in Buffalo
195 Sheffield Ave.

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130 Mariemont Ave.


105 Columbus St

803 Tifft St.


163 Trowbridge St.
John passed while at this address.

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176 Crystal St.
Were my father was born

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68 Heyward St.
Elizabeth's passed while at the address.

Old Paper

A List of John F. Kelsey's children who worked at one time or another for the Rail Road

Not including himself, John had three of his sever sons work at the railroad at different times. The other 4 worked in the steel industry at different places. I also worked in the steel industry. (I was a titanium inspector to 26 years)
It pays to know people in high places. I can imagine the railroad was a huge employer of the time; that along with the steel industry.
And 3 were policeman, Richard, Joe and my father Frank.

1) John Kelsey 50 years RR 1907 to 1957

James L Kelsey looks like Bethlehem steel industry on draft registration, most of                       the time

Patrick working for the steel industry on Hopkins St right near Spaulding Street

2) Danny O 1940's Bethlehem Steel, 1950 Brakeman on the railroad.

Joseph was a steel worker much of the time then policeman

Richard Republic steel before the war; and was a policeman in Hamburg, NY

3) Eugene 1940 worked for Lehigh Valley express railroad it's on his draft card                registration. Also city directory 1957 RR

4) Frank Kelsey Worked for the New York Central RR 1952/53 as a sales clark - as            listed on Franks DD 214 and for Bethlehem steel around 1965

Old Paper

             A list of John's children who served during World War II 

   All of them had draft registration cards but I don't know if all were in.
James L. was 30 years old. ** Landed on Hiroshima and was shot in the forehead by a Japanese soldier within the first half hour of being there. He was sent home. James received a Purple Heart Medal
Frederick was 28 years old. (Pat was a medic during the war)
Danny was 24 years old.
Joseph was 22 years old. (Joe trained as a Gunnery for the Air Force but stayed in the States)
Richard was 20 years old  (served with General Patton receive a bronze star for Normandy
Eugene was 18 years old.  (grave stone Tec 5   722 Engr. Depot Co. WW2)

Frank was too young for the 2nd WW but did serve in Germany during the Korean war.

All five were in World War II.

Old Paper

May 20, 1889 Ship "Suevia" passenger list departing Hamburg, Germany arriving Ellis island New York. You will see August (28) his wife (26) their daughter, (3) and John (11 month)

Old Paper
Censes 40 50

After moving from Toledo Ohio in 1928:


1930 census showing John and family (42) Living at 130 Mariemont St. in S. Buffalo.

Old Paper

1950 census John is 62 years old and my father Frank Kelsey is 16. This year the Kelsey's are living at 803 Tift St. The census taker wrote it as jiff Street but there is no such street andStreet is just a few blocks from where they lived at other locations such as Crystal Avenue

Old Paper

On October 31st 1892 my great grandfather signed a letter of intent to become a citizen of the United States


On the 24th of October 1896
The Kolodzaike's become US/ naturalized citizens of the United States.

Old Paper
August R. Kolodzaike/ Kelsey

August R. Kelsey
Born 7th Dec. 1891
Death 27th Feb. 1967
Also went be Kelsey
Nickname Gus


Wife's name is Mary

** Again a document has a date wrong, Birth of 12-7-87. WRONG. or is it???
1) Census says 1891.
2) John was born in 1887.
3) Check other records.

Shows he was, as least, registered for WW1. He would have been about 30 or so in 1917. (Box #15)

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Old Paper

August Jr., Tony, Leo, Joe AKA Kelly

Photo 1920's / 1930's

Old Paper
Frank W. Kolodzaike

Frank W. Kolodzaike
marriage toJuanita Cooper

Frank William Kolodzaike
Born 23 Aug. 1909
Died 18 Sept 1986
US Army
26 Jan. 1943 to 9 Oct. 1945


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His Divorce


He is 21 and she is 16 years old.


1950 Census

Martha is the head of house listed as divorced (56)
Frank W. (her brother) Is living with her also listed as divorced (40)

Old Paper
joe L. Kolodzaike

Joseph (AKA Kelly) Leo Kolodzaike
Born 14 March 1901
death 21 April 1966 (65)

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Marriage to Dorothy Adams 
24th June 1930

Old Paper
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August Jr., Tony, Leo, Joe AKA Kelly

Photo 1920's / 1930's

Old Paper
Anna M. Kolodzaike

Anna Marie Kolodzaike
Birth June 1884 Germany
Death Aug. 8th 1956

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Anna with husband Joesph

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Anna F. Kolodzaike
June 24th 1884
Aug 8th 1956

Anna Marie Kolodzaike wedding to Joseph J. Blanching

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Old Paper
Agnes Mary Kolodzaike

Agnes Mary Kolodzaike
Born March 3rd 1905
Death Feb 17th 2000

Married Robert Wirick

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Marriage of daughter Agnes
May 1926 


Wirick Robert
Agnes M.
Harald J.
Robert Farmer
Rose A.
Agnes S.
August Kolodzaike
Joe L.
Frank W.
Leo J.
Martha J. Wallace

Old Paper

Martha Kolodzaike
Birth 1893
Death 1956
Married Harold Wallace

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Martha Kolodzaike Wallace Marrage License. 1917

She is the one who signed grandpa's death certificate


In the 1930 census, Martha was living at home with parents but shows Martha's last name as  "Wallace" 

  (Martha's husband, Harold Wallace, disappeared in TX and never found) .  The 1930 census says she is 36 years old and married at age 23

Never had children 


1950 Census

Martha is the head of house listed as divorced (56)
Frank W. (her brother) Is living with her also listed as divorced (40)

Old Paper
Rose Kolodzaikw

Rose A Kolodzaike
Born Oct. 5th 1899
Death July 14th 1954
Married Robert T. Farmer at age 30.


Old Paper
Tony J. Kolodzaike

Anthony (Tony) Joseph Kolodzaike
Born May 10th 1903
Passed March 8th 1982

A note from my old webpage says he had so many children that he needed his own page.



Anthony and sister Rosy Kolodzaike in Toledo, OH.


Anthony a.k.a. Tony
Grave stone in Toledo, Ohio
Buried with wife Lillian

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Old Paper

August Jr., Tony, Leo, Joe AKA Kelly

Photo 1920's / 1930's

Old Paper
Leo Kolodzaike

Leo Kolodzaike
Born March 21st 1890
Passed December 27th 1962 (age 72)
Married Sammy Kirk

August Jr., Tony, Leo, Joe AKA Kelly

Photo 1920's / 1930's


Baptized April 13, 1890
Loe was the first of August’s children who were born in the US.
    August Jr., Tony, Leo, and Joe Kolodzaike
1920 census    Leo, age 29, living at home with his parents and with his wife Sammy age 22. So.... if Sammy was 22 in the 1920 census, she was born about 1898.
1930 census    Leo is still living at home but Sammy is gone back to Texas by then. The census asks age at marriage: Leo was 28. And puts an M for married.
Plays out this way    1) Leo born 1890 
2) Marries Sammy Kirk about 1918 in Texas. (makes him about 28)
3) Leo is discharge from Army 5 Apr 1919 and take wife and moves back to Toledo.
4) Their son Ed is born Feb 28, 1921 in Toledo, Ohio. (Leo is about 31)
5) By 1930 Sammy leaves Leo and moves back in TX.
6) According to Ed, Leo never looks Ed up / never sees him again.
More about Leo's marriage Sammy Kirk
 Leo met Sammy Kirk when he was stationed at an Army Base in Texas. When Leo came home from the war, he and Sammy married in Texas and mover to Toledo, OH. At some point, Sammy left or divorced Leo and took their one son, Edward Orville Kolodzaike, back to Texas.  
 Sammy Kirk was born in Harwood, TX. about 1898 and died at age 82 or about 1980.
 Leo and Sammy's only child was Ed Kolodzaike born Feb 28, 1921.
 Ed says he never knew his father Leo.
 Ed Kolodzaike has 9 Grandchildren and 8 Great Grandchildren.  Ed died 1-12-2008
 Sammy Kirk remarried Mr. D. H. Craig
 Sammy died and is buried in La Port, TX.

Old Paper
August parents

August's parents are:
John Kolodzaike
Mary Conklin

August J. Kolodzaike Death Certificate
** This is the only document where it says August was born in Danzig, Germany: spelt here "Dantzig"

NOTE: Some of the census reports either say born in Germany, or born in Berlin, Germany.

Also stats his parents John Kolodzaike and Mary Conklin both of Germany 

Old Paper
Tillies parents

August's wife Otelia (Neitzel) Kolodzaike
Death Certificate shows her parents.


Tillie Neitzel/ Kelsey Death Certificate
Lists her parents August Neitzel and Johannah (Lewinsky) Neitzel.


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Old Paper
Our names

       Where our name came from as per mom recollection 2005:


Carol Lynn- Shirley's mother (Evelyn) had a girlfriend living in Hamburg, NY. One of her children was named Carol. (mom babysat their two kids Carol and David Pierce. Both Carol and David got our named from this family) 

Lynn- mom just liked how it sounded with Carol 


Robert William 

Robert- mom (Shirley) babysat a family whose one boy was named Robert. (Robert Hassee) 

William- From her father (Claude William Fay). 


David Allen 

David-  Shirley's Mother (Evelyn) girlfriend oldest son was David (mom babysat their two kids  Carol and David Pierce) 

Allen- mom's school friend Alowishus Huber how ask her to marry her a few time. He was called Allen short for Alowishus. 


Thomas John 

Tom - Mom met Tom Leonard in 5 grade at 9 or 10 years old. A sweetheart all through 4 years of grammar school. 

John- Franks father John Kelsey 


Mary Joann 

Mary - Mom wanted to name her Joann. (a girl she babysat Joann Hassee) She did not have a middle name picked out. Frank wanting to name one of the kids and said how about Joann Mary. After thinking about it, Frank said how about Mary Joann.  (Frank came up with the name Mary but did not say where the name Mary came from) 

 Our names came from two families, Mary and Robert's name came from the Hassee family and David and Carol came from the Pierce family who lived in Hamburg, NY

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