Cooking and Drinking
Cooking and Drinking
​Utilizing the monkey see monkey do approach
Cooking and Drinking
Cooking and Drinking
Cooking and Drinking
Cooking and Drinking

Gingerbread Houses
Our gingerbread houses over the last 20 years.

This is our 20th year of making Gingerbread Houses. The first one we did Joshua was only 4 years old. This one was Louisa's idea. A round city scape and I came up with the bird house topper. A few people got birdhouses at Christmas. Birdhouse was the theme for Christmas this year. I bought Melissa two bird houses, one for Rochester and one for the river house. And I bought one birdhouse for Louisa. Melissa, not knowing, bought me a large birdhouse. So I secretly decided on the birdhouse topper for the annual gingerbread house.

2022 City Scape with bird house topper

The Griswold Family car

Bavarian House
probably inspired by the Van Trapps in Vermont


I believe this was Joshua's creation.

The Baker’s Estate
Joshua‘s inspiration came from a video game Resident Evil 7
Snoopy's Dog House

Little house? Church?

Doctor Who's Tardis

Pagoda House
German Cuckoo clock

Swiss chalet
The Beach house

Ah, A house?
Lg Christmas tree w/ train

2008 (October)
Haunted House
In 2008 we did a gingerbread house called the haunted house for Halloween. Turned out really well slanted roofs slanted walls and even cut outs of Mario Sabrina and Joshua standing in the graveyard of the display I found very few pictures of that gingerbread house. So far I only found two photographs. LOUISA may have more in her Google account.

The Ockler House
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A Gingerbread house
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A gingerbread House
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A Gingerbread House
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Our first
Gingerbread House

Joshua was only 3 years old, almost 4, when we started our first gingerbread house. We decided to do a gingerbread house as Louisa and I discussed, neither one of our families had a Christmas tradition, and we thought it would be a good time to start one since Josh was so young.